Found by one of our members during a Club outing!
Great Nugget Shooting By Martian. Free Range, 1/4 ounce of Gold!
"Metal detected by a PCSC member in Sierra County."
Our very Martian's results of open Range nugget Shooting on Open BLM Land
President Obama's New National Monuments are not affecting our current claim areas.


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  • 04 Sep 2024 4:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    PCSC Members that require multiple email address, please read the following carefully. In an effort to tighten the Club's budget, we will be making the following changes to or login accounts on the website. Wild Apricot pricing structure requires that our membership list be less than 250 entries in order to qualify for the next tier down on the pricing structure. Unfortunately, an added email address counts as an extra member. We can do this by cutting down on registered e-mails and in doing so we can save our club 1/3 of our yearly cost to maintain the site which is a savings of several hundred dollars per year. This will affect about 24 people. On September 1st I will make a change on the site that will limit each membership to one login per membership. You may share your login credentials with your family members If you do not want to share your login we understand. We will keep a 2nd list of email addresses. This list will be used send out our monthly Treasure News and announcements to those who request it and do not want to share their login with their family members. You can send an email to me (Pdswift @ Patrick Swift. Please include your membership Number and the email you want it sent too.

  • 03 May 2024 10:41 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Report From First Class Miners Club member :Jon Carlson

    This event was hosted by FMC and several prospecting clubs were invited including PCSC.

    “Wade, The Bounty Hunter”

    There were 25 participants in the coin hunt on April 27th at Ord Mountain. Two of which were youngsters including Wade age 13.

    When registering Wade asked, “Will there be Nickels”? He knew that he needed to set a nickel down to make sure his discrimination control was set properly for this hunt.

    His detector was a Bounty Hunter “Fast Tracker” an entry level detector introduced in 2013 for about $100 In stores such as Big 5 sporting goods. Sometimes they would go on sale for as low as $80.

    The hunt had 20 U.S. Antique Coins listed as prize tokens. The first 5 on that list were designated as Grand Prizes. Next, there were 20 Lincoln cents from 100+ years ago that were buried 3 to 4" deep. Then, there were two tiny Sim Cards from a cell phone at surface level. (The Bounty Hunter wouldn’t find these). There were also 500 common Dime coins. The token coins and dimes were hidden to be found at surface level. Not too difficult. The Lincolns were more difficult as they were deeper.

    At the hunt’s end the prize tokens found were called out for choice of prizes from a list.

    The #1 Coin Token had not been found. Wade had found both the #2 and #3 tokens and had his first choice of one of the grand prizes. His #3 token had his choice of any of the other prizes that were not designated a grand prize. Additionally, Wade had found two other coin tokens that were on the list.

    There were 20, 100-year-old Lincoln cents in the hunt and Wade found two of them.

    One Lincoln cent buried in the field was dated 1921 and was designated to win a 1921 Silver Morgan Dollar. That 1921 Lincoln was not located. The back up token for the Silver Dollar was a Casino Gaming Chip with a Silver Star bonded to it. Wade had found that chip and won the Silver Dollar.

    Wade also found a Liberty Head Nickel and an Indian Head cent that were not “Prize Tokens”.

    Wade at age 13, competed in a field with 24 other hunters many of whom are expert nugget shooters, many were armed with state-of-the-art detectors costing $1000 or more.

    Wade is a member of Prospectors Club of Southern California.

    As a side note FCM member Yvonne found the largest token and the smallest. She Found a $20 Gold Piece replica and one of the tiny, itty bitty Sim cards. Not surprising, as Yvonne is often in the winner's circle at hunts.

    Here is my take on the hunt results. Wade was focused on the hunt, he moved efficiently, and his detector complemented his efforts. He was not distracted by signals from aluminum foil or tiny pieces of lead or iron. It was a perfect storm for him. He was tuned correctly for the hunt such that he was able to locate even the deeper Lincoln cents. He didn’t burden himself with a bunch of awkward or large digging tools which were not needed. Using discrimination properly he did not dig much trash.

    While the hunt was in progress I wandered and observed. I observed many hunters spending way too much time in trying to locate faint signals that turned out to be foil or tiny lead bullet fragments. Their time would have been better spent going for the “solid” signals.

    After the hunt was over and the prizes awarded, I announced the remaining coins that were on the prize list and not reported as being found.

    1. A 1891 Half Dollar 2. An 1865 two Cent piece, 3. A 1911 Quarter 4. A 1905 Dime

    A number of hunters returned to the field and continued the search. One of whom was FCM member Steve Scaman who is an accomplished hunter with a top-quality detector.

    Steve reported finding the 1911 Quarter out in a open area, a strong signal somehow previously missed.

  • 27 Mar 2024 12:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    DATE            LOCATION                        HOST

    April 5th-7th         PLACER PETE CLAIM    Placer Pete

    April 26th-28th     Ord Mountain                   First Class Miners

    May 3rd-5th         DESERT QUEEN BEE    PCSC

    May 31st- 6/2nd  TAFT LOT                         PCSC/TAFT

    July 5th-7th         CHIEF                               PCSC

    Aug 2nd-4th        CHIEF                               PCSC

    Aug 30th-9/1st    CHIEF                                PCSC

    Sept 27th-29th    DESERT QIEEN BEE PCSC

    Oct 25th-27th   PLACER PETE                PLACER PETE

    Nov 8th-11th     TAFT LOT                          PCSC/TAFT

    Dec 27th-29      TAFT LOT                          DIGNDAVE

  • 25 Oct 2023 12:36 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello All,

    The November Outing has been rescheduled for November 10th. Veteran's Day weekend. With camping at the Pilgrim. There will be a port-o-potty. Access to the Red Chispa and Shotgun do require a four wheel drive. Clark can be accessed by passenger cars.

    Donation based Breakfasts and Lunches Saturday and Sunday. Breakfast menu is Eggs, sausage, pancake, hash browns and coffee. Lunch will be hotdogs, potato salad, sauerkraut, and coffee. Suggested donation for the meals are $6 for breakfast, and $5 for lunch. A potluck on Saturday, 5:00 pm with a camp fire to follow. Please bring a side dish as your contribution to the potluck. And fire wood. The kitchen in my trailer is available for preparation of your dish.

    PCSC will host skill based metal detect hunt with GOLD as prizes, 3:30 pm at the Pilgram Non members may participate in the hunt, once only, and must be invited. Call me to secure you invitation.

    A map is to be found on our website, Login is required to access it. Non members are invited, but must contact me for directions.

    Contact me for more info.


  • 31 Aug 2023 8:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    One of our long-time members George Johnson also known as "Chief" has passed away in the last day or so. Once more information is known I will update this post. Patrick S.

  • 16 Mar 2023 10:21 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are saddened to learn of the passing of Dean Chapman.

    He was a long time member of PCSC joining November 1967 going back to the early days when outings had thousands of people in attendance.

    He used to do very well in those coin hunting competitions using detectors of his own design.

    We understand there is a Memorial service to be held this Saturday, March 18th 10:30am. Ballroad Church of Christ, 1500 Ball Road, Anahhiem If you wish to attend, 

  • 15 Feb 2023 4:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    David Campbell (Administrator)

    Our Feburary Outing will be at the Pilgrim.  A breakfast Saturday/Sunday, and lunch on Saturday available on a donation basis. The skill based hunt with gold as prizes will be held at 3:30 pm Saturday, to be followed by the Potluck and the a camp fire. 

    Two wheel drive access to the camp ground is quite easy. Access to the claims require a bit more skill.  Come and learn the finer point of gold recovery from our knowledgeable members. 

    More info contact:

  • 28 Oct 2022 9:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Hello All,

    PCSC November outing is scheduled for the Friday 11th though Sunday the13th, Veterans Day weekend at the Pilgrim campground. As usual on a donation basis, Breakfast Saturday and Sunday 7 to 8 am. Lunch noon Saturday. Bring your favorite dish for the Potluck, which is at 6 pm Saturday. 

    The Hunt to be held at 1 pm Saturday. No pulse detectors allowed during the hunt.  The bylaws stipulate participants of the Hunt be current members. 

    Contact me for a map. Call me if you have trouble finding the Pilgrim.


  • 22 Jun 2022 7:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Hello all, we received this information request from an outside person and am passing it along:


    My name is Christopher Nelson and I am a professional photographer working on a personal project dedicated to portraits of individuals with their metal detectors out in the field. I have always been fascinated by the folks on the beach searching the sand for little treasures and decided I would like to capture their portraits in the field. 

    I have attached a recent project dedicated to individuals and their overindulgences during covid and I have attached a couple recent images of two treasure hunters here in Santa Monica who were kind enough to let me photograph them.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated in coordinating individuals who would be happy to help in my endeavour. Also I could come to your next meeting to present if that would be more convenient for you.

    Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

    Kind regards. 

    Christopher Nelson





  • 13 Apr 2022 4:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Hello All,

    April's Outing will be held on April 22nd. through 24th. This will be a chance to visit High Desert Gold Digger's Bull Frog and Hot Diggity claims.  Nuggets are being detected on Bull Frog. Drywashing of both claims is producing for those willing to do sampling first. So, bring water, pan, and your panning tub out to the claim.Your guests are welcome. They don't need to be a prospector. Anyone interested in the process are welcome.

    Breakfast of egges, sausage, pancakes, and coffee, will be offered Saturday and Sunday 7:00 am. Lunch of hot dogs, potato salad, chips, and coffee, on  Saturday 1:00 pm. Donations accepted to cover costs. Potluck Saturday 6:00 pm. with camp fire to following (a fire if  weather allows). Bring wood. Hunt is to be determined by the Board at Friday's meeting. 

    I expect weather to be in the 80's, but prepare by bringing plenty of hydration. Remember, electrolytes are part of being properly hydrated. A popup canopy for the diggers is recommended.

    Use the link to a map to find your way to the camping area. PLEASE NOTE:  The camping area is a quarter mile east of HWY 247 at the 63 mile marker.

    Access to camping area is easy.  For the claims, 4 wheel is recommended.  But, skillfull 2 wheelers can get access to claims. Caravan and rideshare from the camp site to the claims will be arranged. Cell coverage is spotty once leaving the camp.

    Call me with any questions or directions. Or if you have trouble accessing the link below for the map.

    Bull Frog Hotdiggity Loop.jpg



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Meeting hall is located at 9813 Paramount Blvd. in the city of Downey, Calif. (Woman's Club of Downey)

(Not to be used for Memberships or Renewals)

Our Mailing Address is   P.C.S.C.    P.O. Box 4853, Downey, California, 90240

For Memberships and Renewals see Join Us link at top

PCSC President Joseph Chmiel Advancedminingequipment    @

Web Master P.Swift pdswift    @
Copyright © 2000-2025 PCSC
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software