December 13-14-15 Prospecting Outing Announced PCSC President, Joe Chmiel, says:
Who's ready to get some Christmas glitter? If you are caught up on your holiday shopping or if you just need a break from it, December 13, 14 and 15 will be the dates for our next outing. A return to the Placer Pete Claim is in order. Hobbled as I was last time with a sprained ankle, Jeffrey and I had some pretty good gold to show for the few hours of drywashing we put in. I intend to do more of the same and I hope many of you will join me. (Just not where I'm digging. You have to find your own spot.) This claim has a lot of potential and is also registered as a GPAA claim. This means there have been people moving some dirt since the last time we were there. This is always a good thing as it opens up new ground. The driving is easy and the parking is plentiful. Motels are not too far away in Barstow if you are so inclined. We will have our Saturday evening potluck early because of the deep state conspiracy that causes us to set our clocks back every Fall. Maybe around 5pm would be good. Martin will be hosting another nugget hunt and may switch things up a bit. I hear that since too many of his targets were found at the last event, he is bringing in better digging equipment to bury them deeper and employing electronic interference techniques to ensure everyone gets skunked. Ok, I jest. The event will be fun as usual and likely will be held early afternoon on Saturday (more details at November 15th Meeting). Bring a dish for the potluck, bring some firewood, and most importantly, bring yourself! Don't let lack of equipment or knowledge hold you back, there is plenty of both available with this club. Call Joe at 562-999-2428 if you have any questions.